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Iscritto: 22 Ago 2006
Messaggi: 8257

MessaggioInviato: Mer 25 Ott, 2017 10:23 am    Oggetto: [TOPIC UFFICIALE] Sony A7R III Rispondi con citazione

Scheda ufficiale.

Sony A7R Mark III si rinnova con batteria maggiorata e tecnologia Multi-Shot di Roberto Colombo
Sony A7 R III: primo contatto 'in azione' di Roberto Colombo

Sony A7R III Review by Mark Goldstein
First thoughts: Sony A7R III by Angela Nicholson
Sony A7R Mark III Review -- First Impressions by Dave Etchells, William Brawley and Jaron Schneider

Sony a7R III – Sample Footage and First Look by cinema5D
Sony a7R III | What's New & First Impressions by Dan Watson
Why I'm buying an A7R3 for VIDEO! - A7RIII by Max Yuryev
REVIEW MIrrorless Sony a7RIII (a7R3) - PixelShift, Usability, Eye-AF by PhotoRec TV
Sony a7R III Review: 2017 Medium Format Camera (!) of the Year by Three Blind Men and An Elephant Productions
Creating Bokeh Heaven with the Sony A7Riii using Canon lenses- Blending Ambient and Artificial Light by Jason Lanier
Sony A7R III Hands-On Field Test (In Arizona!) by TheCameraStoreTV

Gioco: Config. digitale ideale: foto, video,audio,strumenti musicali

Ultima modifica effettuata da AlexFoto il Mer 29 Nov, 2017 6:59 pm, modificato 5 volte in totale
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Iscritto: 27 Set 2005
Messaggi: 5360

MessaggioInviato: Sab 28 Ott, 2017 7:29 pm    Oggetto: Rispondi con citazione

The main outlier here is the 5D Mark IV, which due to its optical low pass filter shows considerably less fine detail than the other three cameras in this test. From a pure sharpness point of view, all three of the other cameras outperform the 5D Mark IV.

From there, it’s almost a matter of preference which of the remaining three does the best job with sharpness, and a lot of that has to do with color. The A7R III has a crispness to the blues in the eye that the other two seem to lack, resulting in a sort of grey overtone from both the Nikon and the Fuji. What may be the most impressive is how well the new Sony FE 24-105 f/4 hangs with Nikon’s new 24-70mm and Fuji’s 63mm.
Le mie foto su Flickr. I miei video su YouTube. Non sono niente di che.
Olympus E-M1 II, 12-45mm f/4 PRO, 75-300mm f/4.8-6.7 II, 60mm f/2.8 Macro, Panasonic 9mm f/1.7. Flash Godox V350.
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