Leica si compra la Sinar e rafforza rapporti con Pana

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Iscritto: 26 Dic 2005
Messaggi: 1293
Località: Rescaldina

MessaggioInviato: Mer 27 Set, 2006 1:42 pm    Oggetto: Leica si compra la Sinar e rafforza rapporti con Pana Rispondi con citazione

Leica Camera AG (ISIN DE000A0EPU98), Solms, and Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd., Osaka/Japan, have signed contracts on the continuation of their cooperation in the field of optical technology on September 25, 2006. The contracts follow a Memorandum of Understanding on this topic, which was signed on February 24, 2006 and which was announced by Leica Camera AG in a release on the same day.

The cooperation concerns the exchange of technical know-how on optical solutions and components of digital cameras. Leica Camera AG is assured to receive digital camera components from Matsushita. The Leica compact cameras business accounted for Euro 16.9 million turnover in the fiscal year 2005/2006 (March 31) and represented a share of 15.8% of the group's turnover. Digital cameras created in cooperation with Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. are the main part of this growing product group.

Further the cooperation includes license agreements, which enable Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. to use the Leica trademark and lens trademarks for certain jointly developed and jointly manufactured lenses.

The strategic cooperation is seen as a win-win-model for both companies, which both companies intend to continue with a long-term perspective.

Leica Camera AG (ISIN DE000A0EPU98), Solms, takes over 51% of the shares of Sinar AG, Feuerthalen/Switzerland, from JENOPTIK Laser, Optik, Systeme GmbH, Jena ("JENOPTIK"). JENOPTIK and Leica Camera AG have signed corresponding acquisition and transfer contracts on September 25, 2006. Confidentiality was agreed concerning the transfer price.

The existing technical cooperation between JENOPTIK and Sinar AG concerning digital camera backs will be continued.

Sinar AG serves professional photographers with leading solutions in medium and large format cameras, both with analogue and digital technology. Leica Camera AG will continue and develop the Sinar business with the Sinar brand and company structure, based on the shared values of excellence and innovation.

Both companies will benefit from synergies in technical collaboration as well as marketing and sales. Leica Camera AG is confident that the acquisition will bring positive developments for customers, employees as well as shareholders of both companies. This is a first step on the strategic path towards growing the business of Leica Camera AG.

Fiji X E1 - 18-55m
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